Meme’s the Word

I would say that writing factors into about forty percent of a meme. It’s important, it gives context and makes the meme specific. The text can’t be too complicated or too simple unless the person viewing it has already been involved in the community for a long period of time. It can play on the visuals or juxtapose the image so well that it becomes funny. However, the reason I say the text factors in to only forty percent of the meme is because without the image, there is no meme. Especially in modern memes, like the ones seen below, the images have become so common that the format has become something to be expected and depended on. Of course, there are sound bytes now with TikTok and Vine (rip) that have become memes, but the visual format has for the most part stayed the same. I never can tell what’s going to become a meme and what’s going to die out, I guess it really all depends on the trends of the time.

Question: Is there a meme that you’ve been surprised has become popular? Personally I was surprised that deep fried memes became as popular as they did.

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