
Writing factors into an effective meme, because it is with the writing where we find the entertainment contained within the meme. The meme is usually a picture of a well known cultural person or thing. What makes it a meme is in the effectiveness of the writing which is usually written in large print over the picture. The visual aspect factors into the effectiveness of the meme in the fact that the image must be of a well known object. As long as a wide range of people are familiar with the object displayed in the meme, the success of the meme is dependance upon familiarity. So, when one combines a funny and usually timely quote over a familiar image, then it has the potential of being a popular meme. So, a meme of Mickey Mouse as the image with a quote about wearing masks because of the pandemic, that should be an effective meme, because of the marriage between a very familiar image (Mickey Mouse) and a very well talked about subject (Covid-19), have all the makings of an effective meme usually. Sometimes even this does not guarantee that the meme will spread like wildfire, but it does provide the best chance that it will. What is your favorite meme of all time?

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