Cram on my Jams. Memes

The writing factor in a meme is very important because it works it helps create the story over the image(s) provided. If the text is too long, sloppy, or fails at providing context of the joke, then the meme will quickly flop. Without the text, a meme can appear stale as it only provides a reaction with no reason behind it.  

The visual rhetoric factor is important as well as it helps set the theme of the meme. If you take a meme such as surprised Pikachu, the theme of the meme will display fear, confusion, or shock. Along with the theme, the image can be used to follow a running joke. A meme such as Spiderman pointing at Spiderman is very popular for its simplicity and ability for most people to recognize the joke. This is because it is universal and can relate to almost all topics of conversation.    

If I had to choose between which is more valuable, I would I probably say the written aspect is more valuable. When I think of a meme, I think of a joke with a visual added to it. We have applications such as Facebook and twitter that require no images to share a thought, idea, and jokes. A clever tweet will get more likes and retweets compared to a blank visual meme without text.    

How can a meme fail to obtain a reaction from its audience?

One thought on “Cram on my Jams. Memes

  1. Wonderful memeage, Trent! Also, great question. A meme can fail if there is too much text or if the visuals are hard to read or follow visually with your eyes (meaning, most memes need good CRAP principles, usually unless the humor calls for it!). Also, a meme could fail if the images and/or text are so vague that the audience can’t connect it to a part of their daily lives, and social/cultural identity. I feel like memes usually want the audience to feel like they are in on an inside joke, so if they can’t understand the context or intentional audience of the meme, then they aren’t going to connect with it. I think a meme also fails when it attacks a social or cultural identity. Personally, I think memes should celebrate a certain experience, rather than attack an experience you don’t understand or are a part of.


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