The Ways We Present Ourselves

In Roman times it was delivered more in the way of lectures and speeches while now most is delivered through written word which is why their ways of delivery could be considered lost. As the author compares it to a job interview, everything from the clothes one wears to the way that they stand is part of the delivery. A person would want to be dressed up or down to the right amount for what they were speaking on as well as use the proper movements and gestures to get across their credibility. Porter is arguing that today this can be done by the way that we build and represent ourselves online from game characters, to profiles, to personal websites. Porter uses the example of two different lawyers and the ways that they not only presented their physical picture but the words and the designs of their websites. This connects to the way that we have discussed as appropriate fonts and designs for particular appearances for everything we design.

A way that I have had to consider this in writing or in work is emails. There are many different places in which you have to make decisions about identity and body but I find one that I have to make most often is how I want others to perceive my emails when I am sending them for work. If I am sending a message to my boss or even my bosses boss, I want to send the message that I am professional and a good worker so I will use different wording and refrain from using anything like emoticons. When I am sending a message to a patron I try and keep the tone simple and straightforward while choosing words that may be interpreted as kind and helpful, I want the patron to feel as though they can ask the questions that they need to and get the resources they require. One way I do this is by increasing my use of exclamation points, I want the patron to feel as though I am excited and ready to assist them in finding their articles or whatever it may be.

Do you have a certain way that you talk or email customers to better establish your credibility and willingness to help?

One thought on “The Ways We Present Ourselves

  1. Hi Savannah! I completely understand your thought process or writing business-related or professional emails. I also probably overuse the exclamation point. I like to keep my tone straightforward, but friendly. I think the most effective emails get straight to the point. I also like to leave room for comments on the other end, so I’ll include phrases like “Let me know your thoughts on this!” or “Let me know at your convenience if there is anything I can do.” I always end my emails in “Best,…” as well.


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