Give me delivery or give me death.

Delivery in Roman times was different than delivery nowadays. In Roman times, delivery was referred to as predominantly oral delivery. It was mainly focused on how things were said, rather than what was said. It was important that emotion be conveyed during delivery in order to grab and keep the attention. The focus was also on your body language and how you used it in order to convey and persuade your message. The emotional aspect of delivery was dependent on the focus of body language and vocal pitch. While these aspects have not changed in a drastic manner, the fact that we now have technology to help us has. Using your body in an oral presentation online can be tricky – if not done right, you can lose the ability to connect to your audience’s emotion.

Distribution refers to the way you contact and relay information to your audience. Circulation refers to the way the information is perceived by said audience. Porter argues that it is important to know who your audience will be when decided how to distribute your writing. You should also focus on the circulation aspect of your chosen distribution because you need to know if you have chosen the right distribution aspect for the right audience. This is similar in digital delivery today because you must pay attention to who you are submitting work to, and who their audience is. If you write a piece about political affiliations within your office, should you submit that to a local publisher or someone who publishes similar articles. That depends on the type of circulation and audience you want to connect with.

Recently, in my advanced fiction writing class, I have had to think about the audience that will be reading my story. Do I focus on the people who I want to read my story? Or do I focus on the audience that will be reading my story? I always end up choosing focusing on the audience whom I want to read my story – which would be considered the circulation aspect.

Have you ever regretted submitting work to a particular place because you are unsure if that is the demographic you wanted?

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