Old Delivery vs. New

Delivery in the Roman times was definitely different than now. The way they had to deliver things were by words, body language and their annunciation. Most things were done in front of an audience; therefor, the way the spoke was everything. This would also affect the audiences reactions and take away from the performance. Obviously, when things were now printed on paper, they way people spoke did not convey the same as before. What was previously based on reaction and perception, was now having to be taken from paper.

Although you can not directly see an audiences reaction, as far as accessibility, I feel like it is way more accessible. Print can reach far more people and audiences than a play in person. No, it is not as interactive. Simply on the fact you can not experience the speakers emotion as well. However, games like Twine help with interactivity and make you choose choices based on personality. It may not be able to reach the same level of instructiveness (is that a word) but it is more accessible.

What are other ways we can add interactivity into our studies, especially with a lot of classes being virtual?

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