You Make the Decisions

What I think is one of the most important aspects of interactive fiction, is that you decide your outcome based on your choices for the characters. Just as Albano stated, for once the audience gets to make the decisions instead of pre-decided outcomes. This seems to be a major benefit and I feel like one could learn a lot about themselves based on the different outcomes that they receive and the choices that they make. This makes it seem much easier for the players of the game to relate to what they are playing on a deeper level than regular video games. There is some issues that could possibly arise. One being that I think loosing an audience could be easy if the layout is not done efficiently. If the player did not like the outcome based on their choices they make or if the game has too much or not enough text. The game would need to be just enough text to keep the players attention but not too much where they get bored or tired of reading.

Interactive fiction can be more challenging than other games. It is definitely more restricting and the guidelines are a little tougher than games that use more visuals. It is very important to keep the audience entertained.

What are some restrictions that you could see being a problem with interactive fiction?

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