Shoot the Serif

By Maggie Thornton

I played the game ‘I shot the serif,’ which focused on being able to identify whether a letter was a serif or sans-serif font. The game had me “shoot” the serif font, and as I continued up through the levels, I had less and less time to complete the game. As the game progressed and  the time you had decreased, I did worse and worse. However, it did help me see the different styles serifs could come in. I felt like this game wasn’t super helpful in developing your design skills because you are literally just identifying the serif font and while the time decreased, the game did not progress in its content. I think it taught me a better understanding of what a serif font looks like and being able to quickly identify it but that was it. 

I think they definitely could have a place in the classroom since they are more engaging than reading a 20 page article or so but I don’t know if I think they are totally necessary. I might feel different if I had played a different game but with this one, it was like okay serif fonts have the feetsies and that was pretty much the only conclusion I left with. However, I did briefly play some of the other games like “Can’t Unsee,” and I could see how that one would be more beneficial since it has more content than just serif vs sans-serif.  

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