Tactical Type In All Its Glory

What is Tactical Type?

Nichols described tactical type as using a “tactic” but for typography. “A “tactic” is determined by the absence of power just as a “strategy” is organized as by the postulation of power” (Nichols 50). This is used to show the effects that different typefaces have have on readers. His main goal is to disrupt the stigmatism on what is good and bad typography and how it can be used to convey different messages for personal gain.

Is bad type Useful?

Nichols discusses how in some cases “bad type” can be extremely useful. Bad type can grab attention of good type enthusiast. The way I look at it is if I was walking by a poster and noticed it’s horrible type, it has now caught my attention. Now I find myself reading all about this even when if it had good type I probably would have just walked by. Just like the article states, it triggers something for people but not always in a bad way.

My approach with Typography

Personally, I find myself using typefaces for many different effects. Bold is always my go to such as this blog post, for heading or maybe important questions. Sometimes I also like to use typeface for emphasis, which can be important. When taking this class I realized that using different typeface may not always be the best option. However, I kind of like the idea of using “bad type” for different effects and to grab readers attention in my design. I also think that using Comic Sans can be a little cringy, but for the right thing it could work to in your benefit.

Is anyone else like me and catch themselves using typeface for different aspects? Or does the thought of it make your skin crawl? I’d love to know I am not the only one.

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