The Overused for Good Reason

Personally I have never had a problem with using Times New Roman as a font. I think the big thing on why this font is so incredibly popular is because of its easy readability and consistency. I have been using Times New Roman for as long as I can remember. As much as I love to switch up fonts for presentations and design like for this class, I always use TNR for essays and formal writing. It may be the rule follower in me but I like that I only have to use one font universally for every class; I never have to question which font that I have to use for formal writing and discussion boards.

I do think that Times New Roman could be considered outdated, mostly because it has been used forever. However, I think it has been used so long for a reason. I actually do like the serifs and and would consider using them in papers if it was allowed, which probably may never be the case. Either way I do not heavily care which font I have to use, as long as I am using the correct one. I do believe that it is best to have on font as mentioned before for formal writing, I think it makes it easier on students and teachers to decipher. If any font was allowed, some students would chose wacky fonts that are hard to decipher, which makes it hard to grade. This would make it much harder on teachers.

A font that I would possibly use as an alternative would be “charter.” This is because it is still easily readable and would not diminish my credibility by using some crazy font; I am really just not quirky enough to choose something out of left field. I think this font would also add more pages, this is important to me because I mostly say everything I need in a couple of pages so reaching 10 pages for me is pretty hard. With a larger font it would increase pages because it is slightly larger than TNR. I do also think that this alternative would stand out but not in a bad way.

Would you stray from Times New Roman if you could? Or would you stick to the norm?

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