The Over Emotional

This project was so fun and enjoyable! I chose to work with publisher. Mostly because I tried pages first and just did not really like it much and office comes with publisher.

I wanted the elements I chose to stand out in this memoir cover. I decided to start with a very big graphic of a girl with a tear running down her face, originally the picture incorporated many colors. However, I decided to mute the image to this deeper pink so that the contrast of the white tear was more noticeable.

Besides the title, I wanted to keep the font for all text the same so that it is easily legible and clear. For my title I felt as if the bold pink outline accentuated the dramatic affect I wanted. Being known as the person who always wears their heart on their sleeve and feels everything deeply… aka “The Over Emotional.”

With alignment I went with a center align for my title because I wanted it to be straight down across the right hand side. The rest of the text I did the old fashioned left align to be the basic person that I am. I wanted everything to be bold and dramatic.

Overall, this was a super fun project where I got to think about how people would consider me along with making my own concept of how that would look on a book cover.

Did anyone else start using a program and figure out quickly they wanted to switch? If so, which program did you start with vs. what you ended up using and why?

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